- 2021年彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 『音動』
- 神奈川県県立音楽堂 エクストリームLOVE 『Toshi伝説』(一柳慧芸術総監督就任20周年記念)
- 東京オペラシティタケミツメモリアル『音楽のたまて箱』などに出演。

MAHOROBA is a group of Japanese traditional instrumentalists established in 2020 that is active both in Japan and abroad, “pursuing a sophisticated sound” studying both classical and contemporary music. The ensemble was envisioned by shamisen player Honjoh Hidetaro and his lifework “music of the now,” finding inspiration in the roots of Japanese music.
“Mahoroba” is Eden.
In the ancient Japanese language, it conveys meanings of comfort—an ideal place to live. Our ensemble was named by shamisen player Honjoh Hidetaro, who provides us with instruction and supervision.
Similar to a jewelry box, our ensemble finds it necessary to strive for a solemn yet diverse ornateness, ensuring that we maintain a certain spontaneity and serendipity—all while performing not only as a full ensemble, but also in smaller formations, duos, and even individually. We are in search of Japanese music of the “now,” and we will develop a world of sound that challenges our generation through repertoire consisting of both contemporary and traditional music. Our repertoire includes “Yuki Hotaru” composed by Honjoh Hidetaro, “Echigo Jishi Fantasy” composed by Kuwabara Yu, “Sanbanso” composed by Mori Madoka, and “Yona Nuki Fighter” composed by Umemoto Yuri.
Shamisen・Kokyu / Honjoh Hidejiro, Shamisen・Kokyu / Honjoh Hideeiji, Shakuhachi / Kawamura Kizan, Koto / Kimura Maya, 17-string Koto / Yoshizawa Nobutaka, Narimono Percussion / Katada Kisaburo.
Our past performances include “Ondo” at the Saitama Arts Theater in 2021, Kanagawa Prefectural Music Hall Extreme LOVE “Toshi Densetsu” (Ichiyanagi Toshi’s 20th anniversary as General Artistic Director), Tokyo Opera City Takemitsu Memorial “Ongaku no Tamatebako,” etc.